As a critical Sector of the economy, the Ministry of Health seeks to improve the health status of all people living in Ghana thereby contributing to Government’s vision of universal health coverage and a healthy population.

The Ministry of Health, working in partnership with its agencies and stakeholders aims at improving the human capital thus “creating wealth through health” through the development and implementation of proactive policies that will ensure improved health and vitality.

Sector Goal

The goal of the health sector within the current Sector Medium Term Development Plan (2014 to 2017) is to ensure a healthy and productive population that continues to reproduce itself safely.

Our Mission

The mission is to contribute to socio-economic development and the development of a local health industry by promoting health and vitality through access to quality health for all people living in Ghana using motivated personnel.

Policy Thrust

The sector’s policy thrust is to reduce inequities in access to care and increase coverage, quality and use of health services so as to achieve a healthier national population.

Our Vision

The vision of the health sector is to have a healthy population for national development.

The goals of the Ministry

To improve the health status of all people living in Ghana through effective and efficient policy formulation, resource mobilization, monitoring and regulation of delivery of health care by different health agencies.


Policy Objectives

The health policy objectives within the Sector Medium Term Development Plan (HSMTDP) 2014-2017 are to:

  1. Bridge equity gaps in access to health care and nutrition services
  2. Ensure sustainable   financing arrangements that protect the poor.
  3. Strengthen governance and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health system.
  4. Improve quality of health services delivery including mental health services.
  5. Enhance national capacity for the attainment of the health related MDGs and the gains
  6. Intensify prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Role of the Ministry of Health Headquarters

  • Provision of overall policy direction for all stakeholders (players) in the health delivery.
  • Provision of a strong and effective advocacy role in intersectoral action in the health delivery.
  • Mobilization and allocation of resources to all providers in the health delivery services.
  • Provision of relevant and adequate information for co-ordination and management of health services.
  • Provision of regulatory framework for all providers of health services.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of health services in Ghana.
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