Human Resource Management and Development Directorate

This Directorate develops sector-wide policy on HR Planning, Succession Planning, Training and Development and Performance Management. It also ensures that there is in place an effective and stable management framework consistent with the overall manpower needs of the Sector.

The directorate comprises the following units:

  1. 1. HR Planning
  2. 2. HR Training & Development
  3. 3. Performance Management Unit
  4. 4. Health Training Institutions
  5. 5. Labour Relations

Roles & Responsibilities of Units;

  1. Sector HR Planning Unit: – This Unit initiates policies and strategies on the human resource needs of the sector and facilitates the career planning of staff of the Ministry and the sector. It reviews to creating an employer brand, retention strategy, absence management strategy, flexibility strategy, talent management strategy, recruitment and selection strategy. It leads the process in attempts to estimate the demand for labour and evaluate the size, nature and sources of supply which will be required to meet the demand in the sector. It also facilitates regular deployment, secondments, postings, transfers, and development of Schemes of Service on the backdrop of trend analysis of the skills, competences and general manpower requirements to support policy delivery within the sector
  2. Sector HR Training & Development Unit: – It initiates the review and development of career training policies and guidelines. It also collates the capacity gap and training needs identified through staff performance appraisal systems for implementation. The unit also ensures the promotion of staff based on approved requirements.
  3. Sector Performance Management Unit: – The unit is responsible for developing the framework for institutional and staff performance management including staff appraisal and performance contracts/agreements.
  4. Health Training Institutions: The Unit is responsible for the facilitation of admission of qualified students into both public and private health training institutions and ensures standardization of staffing norms for the training institutions and monitors the performance of the training institutions. It further facilitates the academic accreditation of all health training institutions and establishes international linkages for exchange programmes for the health training institutions.
  5. Labour Relations Unit: The Unit is responsible for the developing mechanisms and strategies to deal effectively with labour unrest and other related challenges.
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