Allied Health Professions Council

The Allied Health Professions Council is the body established by an Act of Parliament (Act 857, 2013) to regulate the training and practice of Allied Health Professions in Ghana. As part of its mandate, the Council is responsible for granting Professional Accreditation for all Allied Health Programmes.

Objective of the council:

The Council is responsible for ensuring the highest standard in the practice of allied health profession in Ghana.

Functions of the council:

  1. Regulate the standard of services for the practice of allied health professions;
  2. Ensure that the standard of study and training in recognised institution in maintained;
  3. Set practice standards of proficiency and conduct for allied health professionals;
  4. Register practitioners;
  5. Monitor and inspect allied health facilities in collaboration with the health facilities regulatory agency;
  6. Facilitate continuing professional development of practitioners;
  7. Determine, in consultation with the appropriate educational institutions, courses of instruction and practical training for allied health professionals;
  8. Determine and implement post registration continuing education and continuing professionals development programmes for practitioners;
  9. Ensure that the education and training of allied health practitioners and other allied health care providers are carried out at approved educational institutions;
  10. Advise the Minister on matters relating to allied health practice;
  11. Conduct licensing examination for the registration of allied health professionals; and
  12. Perform any other functions that are ancillary to the object of the Council.

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